LGA Consultants

SERVICES: Organizational Effectiveness, page 2

LGA Seven-Step Engagement Process
  1. Define and agree on the framework of the engagement ― purpose, goals, desired outcome(s), participants and stakeholder roles, deliverables, scope, timing and approach.
  2. Gather key information/input and begin to build stakeholder buy-in – conduct interviews, focus groups, assessments, surveys, etc., and review documents and other data. 
  3. Analyze/synthesize key info/input ― present initial findings, emerging solutions and recommendations.
  4. Review, select and refine high-level solution(s) and draft implementation plan(s) ― draft high-level plans at the enterprise, division, department, and/or team-level as needed.
  5. Engage key stakeholders in detailed implementation planning ― build ownership by directly involving individuals, team(s), customers, strategic partners and other stakeholders in fleshing out, finalizing, and taking ownership of proposed goals and solutions; define milestones, success measures, and accountability; launch and support team(s).
  6. Execute action plans and produce deliverables ― launch and/or build on targeted pilot or full-blown programs, services, processes, system changes, and other solutions.  Report progress against milestones and success measures, and adjust plans/tasks/resources as needed.
  7. Debrief results and plan follow-up as needed  ― assess actual outcomes against defined success measures, identify lessons learned, reward contributors, and schedule and assign next actions to adapt or sustain desired results.


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